COVID-19 Protocols
To make things run more smoothly on both game day and at training, we ask for the support of all parents and players when it comes to our COVID prevention practices:
1. Ensure physical distancing
- Training activities have been modified to optimise the ability to maintain 1.5 metres physical distancing and separate groups/teams as much as possible (if required by DHHS)
- Officials attending training/matches to keep a 1.5m distance where possible during and post training/matches
- Signage of maximum occupancy of areas that are open to the general public (for example social rooms) have been placed in the clubrooms. However, the general public may only access the main clubroom to use the toilet facilities
- The club has placed signage in prominent high traffic areas around the venue to communicate key COVID safe messages
- The club has provided and displays venue QR code and density limit signage in all areas
- The EFNL have provided the club with coreflute signs (COVID Safe Guidelines and Social Distancing) which will be placed at either end of the pavilion in clear view of all players, families and spectators as they arrive at the clubrooms
- If required by the DHHS, common areas would be rearranged to ensure physical distancing can be adhered to
- Venue capacity for each space has been calculated and each space (home changing area, visitors changing area, toilets, canteen area and uniform shop) have clear signage indicating the maximum number of people permitted in each space according to density quotients
2. Wearing a facemask
- At the time this COVID plan was finalised, state government protocols have changed to mandatory face masks not being required in Victoria. In the event of this changing, the COVID plan will be updated to reflect the changes within 24 hours after government directive has been put in place.
3. Practice Good Hygiene
- High touch surfaces i.e. door/cupboard handles, equipment, taps and toilets are to be cleaned at the end of each training session before the clubrooms are locked for the day/evening. On game day, high touch areas are wiped down twice per day and at the end of the day before the clubrooms are locked for the day
- A record of facility cleaning is to be clearly displayed with the following information: date, time of cleaning, cleaned by and signature. This record is located attached to the door that leads to the canteen and the female toilets. Professional COVID cleaning is undertaken weekly by an external cleaner
- Supplies of cleaning products it to be monitored and regularly restocked as required. Shortage of supplies is to be reported to the club’s COVID officers or members of the Executive Committee
- No touch amenities (automatic sanitising dispensers) have been installed in both change rooms as well as portable automatic hand sanitisers which are placed outside at either end of the pavilion for all training sessions and match days. Rubbish bins are to be routinely emptied after each training session and at the end of each match day
- We encourage participants, officials and volunteers to bring their own personal equipment and reinforce that equipment should not be shared.
- The club directive is that no water bottles are to be shared and that all players must supply their own water bottles for all training sessions and match days. The same applies to towels and other personal equipment
4. Keep Records and act quickly if participants, volunteers or organisers become unwell
- Participants and volunteers showing any COVID 19 symptoms will be required to immediately return home and seek medical attention
- The club’s COVID officer/s or Executive Committee members are to notify team managers that a positive case has been discovered. Team Managers are to communicate via all channels (text, email and individual team Facebook pages) that a positive case has been discovered and that those who are directly in contact with the person with the case are encouraged to be tested themselves
- In the event of a positive case, the Executive Committee is to contact the club’s external cleaning contractor to book them in for an immediate cleaning of the clubrooms the following day. The clubrooms are not to be accessed by any club members until the cleaning has been completed and the cleaning contractor has given the all clear to renter the rooms
- In the event of a positive case, the club’s COVID Officer/s are to be notified wether verbally or in writing. The Club COVID officer/s are to notify the Executive Committee, verbally or in writing, within 2 hours of being notified. It is the responsibility of the club’s COVID officers to notify, within 24 hours, the League, DHHS 1300 650 172 and WorkSafe 13 23 60 of a positive case
- To confirm that a participant, volunteer or official (with a suspected or confirmed case) does not have coronavirus before returning to the Club, we request that evidence is provided and sighted by either a club COVID Officer or a member of the Executive Committee. This evidence is to be recorded and stored on a database on MS Teams that is only accessible by Club COVID officers or the Executive Committee
- Establish a process for notifying the League/Council/Worksafe that the venue/facility is reopening
- We encourage all players, families and spectators to download the Service Victoria App and check in upon arrival to any training sessions, home games and also away games
- Our club has registered for the State Government QR code system (Service Victoria) and we have been provided with a unique QR code
- Club QR codes have been placed in prominent positions, key entry and access areas including either end of the pavilion for training sessions and match days
5. Avoid interactions in closed spaces
- Any doors and windows are to remain open to promote airflow in the clubrooms where possible
- Activities are to be limited in clubrooms and change rooms as well as in the external undercover area of the pavilion
- We encourage all participants, volunteers, organisers and parents/carers to maintain good hygiene practices, practice social distancing both at our club, other clubs and in general populace
On game day, regular messages are broadcast through our PA system encouraging all people in attendance to sign in, sanitise and maintain social distancing protocols.