3 Results for tag: u9_mr

U9s Mixed Rd3 Match Report…

Round 3 vs South Belgrave Anzac day morning up at South Belgrave, with all the players in the change rooms before the game, we asked why today was special.  A roomful of hands up in the air, eager to discuss why the day is so.  We officially welcomed our 19th player to the team, Indi.  Rob and I went through our ... More

U9s Mixed Rd2 Match Report…

Round 2 vs Upper FTG Coming off the back of a great first match for the season, we were up against Upper Ferntree Gully at Dobson Park.  Friday’s training session focused on attacking the ball, teaching the players possession and support as principles of attack. Upper Ferntree Gully were a player or two short and we ... More

U9s Mixed Rd1 Match Report…

Round 1 v Rowville Today marked the first junior football match all players have played, even for those that joined the under 8’s side last year, which was cancelled due to Covid-19.  All players were super excited to represent the club and we managed to have our first game at home.  The weather gods were not so ... More